Pick a book from our growing collection
Explore our collection of high-quality, full-color kiddie books that center on themes of Nature and Filipino heritage. These books are designed to be enjoyable, handy and affordable. Together, let us help our kids develop a sound appreciation for the natural environment, while also setting them on a solid foundation towards acquiring vital reading and learning skills.

My First Book of Animals/Ang Aking Unang Aklat ng Mga Hayop won in the category Children's Picture Book: Softcover Non-Fiction of the 2020 International Book Awards
Hurray! We made it to the Green Difference Awards. Read all about it here.
Let's Collaborate!
Would you like to see any of these books in your own language? Filam-Ecograndma is open to collaborations. Contact us to learn how.

We're looking for independent book sellers. For inquiries email jsuzaracheng@gmail.com
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